Sandro Tonali: O meio-campista do Newcastle ainda está disponível, apesar da suspensão de 10 meses por violar as regras de apostas

Sandro Tonali admitted to making bets on AC Milan matches during his time with the Serie A side; Italy international midfielder joined Newcastle for £55m this summer; Eddie Howe: “I think there's a high chance again that he could be available for us”

Newcastle are in an extraordinary state of limbo with midfielder Sandro Tonali set to travel with the squad for Saturday's game against Wolves despite a 10-month ban from football hanging over him. Tonali is to be banned over breaches of rules on betting on matches in Italy. According to Sky in Italy, the 10-month ban still needs to be rubber-stamped by the Italian authorities. Formal ratification could come on Friday afternoon, but until it does, Tonali is available for selection. Once the ban is ratified, the 23-year-old, a £55m summer signing from AC Milan, will miss the remainder of Newcastle's season and Italy's Euro 2024 finals campaign, should they qualify. Tonali will not be able to play competitive football until August 2024 but is free to train with Newcastle and play in friendlies.

Speaking at Friday's press conference, manager Eddie Howe confirmed: “We've not had official confirmation as a football club. We've not had anything from the Italian authorities so we are waiting for that official confirmation to come through. There's a high chance he could be available for us. A few things need to happen before the ban is imposed so let's see.” Howe added: “You saw from the Dortmund game he did very well. He's been bright and he's trained. The only way I can judge him is on that. He's been good around the group and the training ground. From how I can see, he's handling himself in the right way.

Tonali is set for a 10-month ban from football “I think I said in the press conference the other day, I can't work with hindsight. We didn't know this was even a possibility. There's a frustration that we won't have him now as I liked him as a footballer.” Howe said it would be down to the club if it would pursue a legal matter. The Newcastle boss hopes all parties can learn from the episode. “There's always scope to improve what we're offering our players in terms of education,” he continued. “There's pitfalls to being a professional footballer and if we can offer this guidance more, it will help avoid future scenarios.

O Newcastle United se encontra em uma situação bastante incomum e incerta, já que seu meio-campista estrela, Sandro Tonali, enfrenta uma suspensão de 10 meses do futebol. Esta suspensão decorre do seu envolvimento em apostas em jogos durante a sua passagem pelo AC Milan, uma acção que suscitou sérias preocupações na comunidade do futebol.

A partir de agora, a proibição, que deverá manter Tonali fora do jogo durante quase um ano, aguarda a aprovação formal das autoridades italianas. A confirmação pode vir já na tarde de sexta-feira, mas até lá Tonali continua elegível para seleção pelo time do Newcastle.

Tonali, a high-profile £55 million signing from AC Milan during the summer transfer window, has already made a significant impact on the team. However, if the ban is ratified, it will force him to sit out the rest of Newcastle's current season and potentially miss Italy's Euro 2024 finals, should they qualify. In essence, the 23-year-old midfielder will not be able to participate in competitive football until August 2024. Despite this, he is allowed to continue training with the Newcastle squad and can participate in friendly matches.

The uncertain status of Tonali has left fans and the club in a state of suspense. Newcastle's manager, Eddie Howe, spoke at a recent press conference, highlighting the lack of official confirmation from the Italian authorities. He expressed optimism about Tonali's potential availability, stating, “A few things need to happen before the ban is imposed, so let's see.”

Howe went on to praise Tonali's performance in recent matches, especially referencing his notable contribution during the game against Dortmund. The player's dedication to training and his positive impact on the team have not gone unnoticed. Howe emphasized that his assessment of Tonali is solely based on the player's on-field performance and professionalism.

Despite the optimism surrounding Tonali's availability, there is an air of regret among the Newcastle camp. Howe expressed his disappointment at the possibility of not having Tonali available, saying, “There's always scope to improve what we're offering our players in terms of education. There's pitfalls to being a professional footballer, and if we can offer this guidance more, it will help avoid future scenarios.”

A situação que rodeia Sandro Tonali serve como um lembrete dos complexos desafios e responsabilidades que os jogadores de futebol profissionais enfrentam, dentro e fora do campo. Também destaca a necessidade de educação e apoio contínuos para ajudar os jogadores a navegar no intrincado mundo do futebol e nos regulamentos associados.

Eddie Howe, the manager of Newcastle United, has acknowledged the challenges that lie ahead if Sandro Tonali faces a lengthy ban. The uncertainty surrounding Tonali's future, with the possibility of no games for an extended period, is a significant concern for the team.

Howe emphasized the importance of communication between himself, the coaching staff, and Tonali during this testing period. He understands that the player's adjustment to a ban from competitive matches will be a difficult journey, and providing the necessary support and guidance will be essential.

In his perspective, Newcastle must have a robust squad capable of dealing with unforeseen circumstances like this. Football is known for its unpredictability, and while such situations can't be anticipated, the team needs to be prepared to handle them.

Howe's comments also reflect the emotional toll of dealing with such news as a manager. He described the mental aspect of accepting the situation and focusing on the training and game preparation, only to return to unexpected developments. The uncertainty can be challenging, and he has mentally prepared himself for a period without Sandro, even though the final outcome remains unclear.

A situação realça a natureza imprevisível do futebol profissional e a necessidade de dirigentes e equipas se adaptarem a desafios e incertezas inesperados.

Sandro Tonali's situation has taken an intriguing turn as details of his obligations in response to the betting violation have emerged. As part of his deal with the Italian authorities, Tonali is required to attend treatment sessions for problem gamblers and give a series of talks about his experience over an additional eight-month period.

The Professional Footballers' Association (PFA) is working with Tonali to provide the necessary support during this challenging time. This partnership demonstrates the commitment to helping players facing such issues and emphasizes the importance of rehabilitation alongside punitive measures.

Todo o caso se desenrolou após uma investigação dos promotores de Turim sobre jogadores de futebol que usam sites ilegais para apostar em jogos. Tonali cooperou ativamente com a investigação, o que contribuiu para a decisão de lhe oferecer um acordo judicial. Sem a sua cooperação, ele poderia ter enfrentado uma suspensão de até três anos sob as regras da FIFA.

O presidente da Federação Italiana de Futebol (FIGC), Gabriele Gravina, revelou que Tonali está suspenso por 18 meses, com possibilidade de viajar oito desses meses através da participação em tratamento para o vício do jogo e de uma série de palestras públicas sobre suas experiências. Essa abordagem, segundo Gravina, visa não apenas punir, mas também ajudar os jogadores a se recuperarem e conscientizarem sobre os problemas que enfrentam.

O técnico do Newcastle, Eddie Howe, mostrou apoio a Tonali, indicando que o clube está “comprometido com ele no longo prazo”. Quando questionado se Tonali deve desculpas ao clube ou à mídia, Howe se absteve de fazer qualquer exigência de desculpas. Ele vê isso como um assunto a ser discutido internamente entre ele, o jogador e o clube.

Howe acknowledges the challenges that lie ahead, especially in managing the team's resources and strategies, given the uncertainty surrounding Tonali's availability. He recognizes the need for adaptability in the face of changing circumstances and the possibility of needing additional resources in the January transfer window.

Howe also highlights the difficulty of understanding every aspect of a player's personal life and the challenges they might face outside of the football pitch. He emphasizes that the situation Tonali has found himself in is not a new problem for football, underlining the importance of offering support and understanding to players who encounter such issues.

Sandro Tonali's case sheds light on the complexities and challenges that professional footballers can face, both on and off the field, and the need for a compassionate and supportive approach to address these issues.

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